TRF Timeline
2000 |
First Rotary World Peace Scholarship endowed
1999 |
10,000th Matching Grant awarded. Rotary centres for International Studies established. Children's Opportunities Grants established for one year, funding 1,584 projects
1998 |
Total contributions to Foundation since inception surpass US$1 billion
1996 |
Foundation contributors number one million.
1994 |
Western Hemisphere declared polio free. Permanent fund initiative begins.
1993 |
500 millionth child immunised against polio through Polio Plus.
1990 |
Carl P Miller Discovery Grants begin. |
1985 |
Polio Plus program launched with aim of certifying polio eradication by 2005, Rotary's 100th anniversary.
1981 |
Rotary Endowment for World Understanding and Peace established.
1978 |
Health, Hunger and Humanity , 3-H, program created. |
1965 |
Matching Grants and Group Study Exchange programs established.
1957 |
Paul Harris Fellow Recognition begins.
1947 |
RI founder Paul Harris dies. In his memory Rotarians worldwide give the Foundation more than US$1 million. First Foundation program launched, scholarships for 18 graduate students. |
1930 |
First Rotary Foundation grant awarded US$500 to International Society for Crippled Children.
1928 |
The Rotary Foundation formally named, first trustees appointed. |
1918 |
First Foundation contribution received, US$25.50 from the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Missouri, USA.
1917 |
The Rotary Foundation established as an endowment by RI President Arch Klumph.