All serving directors, along with our medical adviser to the Board Professor Michael Sawyer OAM and CEO Joy Gillett OAM were in attendance. (L-R): Standing – PDG Patrice Robinson, DGE Pat Schraven, DG Ian McKay, PDG Don Ripper, PDG Jerry Pilcher, PDG Bernie Bott, Professor Michael Sawyer OAM, PDG Lorraine Coffey Sitting – PDG John Campbell, ARH Chair Kevin Shadbolt OAM, Joy Gillett OAM, PDG Stephen Humphreys, PDG Michael Buckeridge.
Lift The Lid - Hat Day!
Thank you to Rotary Club of Summerland Sunrise, NSW for supporting Australian Rotary Health by wearing hats at a recent breakfast meeting! All money raised goes to Australian Rotary Health for vital mental health research for 0-12 year olds.
10% Discount on 2024 Resilience Agenda Diaries
Hadleigh Fischer, Founder of Resilience Agenda is again supporting ARH in offering a discount off Resilience Agenda's 2024 diaries.
The 2024 Mental Fitness & Well-being Diary is a great way to take the knowledge of well-being and turn it into goals, priorities, and habits. Jam-packed with over 50 practical Mental Fitness tools, you’ll be able to re-imagine the way you look at protecting and building your mental health in 2024, no matter where you start. Australian Rotary Health supporters can obtain a 10% discount (valid all year) find out more.
Australian Rotary Health invites you to recieve 20% off your legal Will. Making a Will is important at any stage of our lives. It ensures that when we pass away, our estate will be handled the way we planned. Including a bequest in your Will is also the easiest ways to continue supporting Australian Rotary Health. Find out more!
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